How Bad Can a Bearing Get?
This bearing endured the high temperatures created when the water passages in the head were plugged through the use of radiator/block sealant in an attempt by the owner to stop a minor leak at the head gasket. Note the use, by an old time rebuilder, of vertical holes that intersect the factory anchor pin holes in an effort to more fully mechanically anchor the babbitt in the block.
What About Those Shortcuts?
This photo shows the results obtained when one attempts to hone a worn cylinder rather than rebore it. This is one of the cylinders in the same block as the bearing shown above. Notice the red colour in the water passages at the top left and centre. This is residue from the radiator/block sealant. The cylinder, having been honed, is not round and the finish is sub standard. Note the vertical scoring due to overheating, a cocked piston, or improper breaking procedure (see close-up photo below.)